Services and Solutions

Innovative by nature

For Nexans, innovation is the art of making things better for the benefit of our customers and the community.

Our world is increasingly shaped by large and complex challenges. Climate change and the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy are among the biggest challenges.

At Nexans, our role is to support customers as they embark on the enormous task of delivering the energy transition. For this, we constantly develop new products, services and solutions. They are designed to facilitate deployment and minimize environmental impact, reduce capital expenditures and optimize total cost of ownership. In short, innovation is at the heart of what we do and who we are - and it has been since the birth of Nexans, more than 120 years ago.

Jérôme Fournier 
“ Research and innovation are at the heart of Nexans 'strategy and are a key factor for the growth and transformation of our business. Nexans' history has been marked by innovation for over 100 years, fully aligned with the evolving world, leading to major changes in society, the economy and the environment. ”
Jérôme Fournier 

Digital solutions that incorporate Internet of Things (IoT) networks

Access to real-time information

Structured cabling certification center


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