Corporate area

Our results are the result of the work of professionals from different areas, with multiple skills. We have areas such as Quality Control, Maintenance, Processes, Human Resources, Finance and more!

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“ First I thank God for being part of the Nexans team. I'm very proud of this company that allowed me to grow so professionally, due to the challenging and constantly changing environment, we are challenged to be better, overcome obstacles, turning adversity into opportunity and reach the stipulated goals, thus meeting the needs of our stakeholders.

I feel honored to be part of a company that has gained more notoriety every day in the most diverse renewable energy projects in Brazil and around the world. The feeling of contributing to the global energy transition is what motivates me most to be dedicated to my activities.

Having the opportunity to work for a company in which you believe in its mission, vision and values is essential, the feeling that together we will go further is what fuels my passion for Nexans.

Let’s Electrify the Future! ”

Luis Carvalho

Quality Control Analyst


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