Our ambition

The best is yet to come

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Since the beginning of its history, more than 120 years ago, Nexans was already building the future of electricity by bringing energy to life. However, in a world of change, Nexans begins a new chapter to lead the change to the new world of electrification: safer, more sustainable, renewable, decarbonized and accessible to all. Our new ambition: "electrify the future"

Electrification is in our DNA. It is the center of our existence. That's why we do our best to build a better future for the world.

However, any strategy to deal with challenges such as population growth and global warming must benefit everyone, not just a few. We need to bring about positive change for our employees, customers, economy, society as a whole and our planet. That's why we've developed an ambitious approach to Corporate Social Responsibility, supported by a dedicated governance structure.

Christopher Guérin
“ As a global player in the cable industry, we contribute to improving the quality of life. This is a tremendous incentive for us to commit to sustainable and shared energy. But, all this is only possible thanks to the internal policies we’ve implemented that enable us to act in a responsible and sustainable approach and, in turn, better serve our customers. ”
Christopher Guérin

Our CSR policy also reflects the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and our commitment to the Global Compact, which brings together businesses, professional organizations, universities, non-governmental organizations and representatives from the business world and civil society. The signing of this agreement in December 2008 further reinforced our desire to respect and implement the 10 fundamental principles in the areas of human rights, labor standards, environmental protection and anti-corruption.

CSR Strategy: 4 priorities, 12 ambitions

The four priorities in Nexans' CSR strategy are divided into 12 ambitions that represent the CSR issues on which the Group focuses its efforts.

To achieve these goals, there is oversight by dedicated representatives based on the 2018-2022 roadmap, which is structured around key performance indicators and their targets.


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